country roads

Choosing among Changing Surfaces by Erin Wade

Over the past couple of weeks here at the top end of the Prairie State we’ve seen daytime temperatures range from nearly 40° F down to 15°, the latter with a windchill taking the “feels like” temp down to 1°.

This is par for the course here in Northern Illinois - ask anyone with any experience out in the windswept countryside about the weather and they’ll probably say something like “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute: it’ll change.”

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Prairie Traffic Jam by Erin Wade

One of the best parts of living out in the middle of nowhere is that pretty much anytime I want I can just roll the trike out of the driveway, on to the road, and ride along unobstructed. While I certainly do encounter other vehicles along the road, even during the harvest it’s usually one or two at a time, and there really isn’t much competition for space on the asphalt.

But this past week all of that serenity and solitude was interrupted by something that almost never happens out on the prairie: a traffic jam.

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